Sunday, August 4, 2013

Whodunnit? Reaction + Handicap - Episode 6

Sorry this is late, but I missed the first airing and had to resort to Hulu a few days ago.  Also, I decided to finish my Final Fantasy VI post first.  Whatever.  New Whodunnit, new reactions. 

This episode was basically Kam-Blondes vs. GeRoMe from the get-go, with Kam asserting his authority as a power player, screwing Ronnie and subsequently destroying the team.  Even though Ronnie's proposed alliance didn't work out how he planned, it most certainly accomplished its goal of freezing out and killing off Geno.  Anyhow, Geno sure as hell didn't know that the killer chloroformed Sasha in her bed, transported her to Dana's room in a cart, led Dana (with Sasha) by knifepoint to the morgue, knocked out Dana, and then bled out both women in a hidden chamber inside the morgue.  Geno died from a chandelier landing on him during a post-dinner luau - I think the producers must have informed Geno either during the change of dress or while Giles was using the limbo bar.  

EPISODE 6 - All the World's a Stage

Sheri (0)
Dontae (0)
Adrianna (0)
Don (0)
Ulysses (0+1)
Dana (0+1)
Sasha (0+1)
Geno (1+0)

Geno had all five of the other guests working against him this episode, and his only hope was to find the clue ahead of everyone else.  Didn't work out.  Between Ronnie feeding him false information and not having access to the killer's clue, Geno was doomed from the get-go.  At least his death was a nice dramatic jump-scare and it looks like the next episode will be action-packed.  Sounds delightful. 

Status: Dead
(Clues Found + Rounds Won)


Holy shit Cris found that clue fast.  She was the first to find the third hint, and she appeared to guess the correct location IMMEDIATELY after reading it.  Nobody else really stood a chance.  In short - Cris is pretty damn good at this game, and that either means she is a better investigator than the first 3 or 4 episodes suggested or is in fact the killer.  Other than Kam, I think Cris is the safest bet to make the final three. 

Clues Found: 2
Rounds Won: 1
Times Scared: 0
Chance of Killer: Medium
Chance of Winner: High


Wow, Kam is a manipulative bastard.  That type of player wins reality competitions often, so I'm giving him high odds.  I was a little surprised that he won the round instead of Cris (who deliberately left out one or two small details when she told her team about the killer's clue), but he's probably really detail-oriented about this kind of thing.  Or, you know, the killer.  He's been acting like such an ass in these recent episodes that I think it might be real confidence that he won't be dying. 

Clues Found: 1
Rounds Won: 1
Times Scared: 1 
Chance of Killer: High
Chance of Winner: High


Lindsey and Cris really seem not to trust each other, and I hope for entertainment's sake that it comes up in tonight's episode.  Lindsey has been keeping a low profile, but has also never been Scared and is sticking with the strongest team.  I don't think she's as good an investigator as either of her teammates, but I'd buy her as the killer. 

Clues Found: 0
Rounds Won: 1
Times Scared: 0 
Chance of Killer: High
Chance of Winner: Low


Nobody's survival has been as surprising to me as Melina's.  I think she's clever enough, but she's stayed around despite never finding a clue, never impressing the killer in a round, never drawing a Scared card, and never receiving a murderer vote from any other guest.  She reacts strongly (and I'd say believably) to tough spots, which is the only reason I think she's a less-likely killer than Lindsey.  Melina is either the killer (and a great actress) or the weakest remaining competitor. 

Clues Found: 0
Rounds Won: 0
Times Scared: 0
Chance of Killer: Medium
Chance of Winner: Low


Ronnie is as smart as any remaining competitor, but he's only as strong as the clues he finds, and will probably be up for death with Melina if neither of them find the clue in the next episode.  Ronnie attempted to sell Geno up the river by making a deal with Kam, but Kam is refusing to follow through due to a technicality.  Ronnie (probably wisely) suspects Kam but isn't ignoring any of the other competitors, but nobody (including me) seems to think he's the killer.  Ronnie's a good investigator and clue hunter, but without a third guest on his side, he has his work cut out for him. 

Clues Found: 2
Rounds Won: 0
Times Scared: 1
Chance of Killer: Low
Chance of Winner: Medium


So that's that.  Ronnie and Melina really, really need to find the clue if Team RoMe wants to survive another round, and it looks like they'll be searching the mansion's crawlspace in the dark.  Welp, I'll be watching tonight with great interest. 

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