Saturday, December 21, 2019

Six Villains Not in Marvel's Spider-Man (For Now)

With apologies to inFamous 2, Marvel's Spider-Man is the best superhero game I've ever played.  Naturally, I have thoughts.  So allow me to share some of them, particularly what might happen in a potential sequel.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Top Fifteen of the 15 in '15

Yeah, this is super-late because I wanted to finish my 2015 reviews before posting it, and then I ended up never getting close to finishing them.  But I didn't want this almost-done piece sitting in my drafts list for another year, so without further ado, my list of games I played in 2015, ranked in various ways: 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Eight Jobs Not in Final Fantasy XIV (For Now)

I'm behind on my gaming goals; I'm behind on my blogging aspirations; and I'm worried I might get behind on podcasts.  The main culprit for all of this is my return to Final Fantasy XIV, so naturally I'm going to solve one problem by worsening others.  Let's talk FF XIV.