Monkey D. Luffy, Punching
I read a frankly terrifying amount of comics and manga (mostly the latter), but I haven't written about either in awhile. For today's blog post I'm reviving an old gimmick.Saturday, November 24, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
Hottest Pokémon Characters
I love colorful, wholesome entertainment. Especially in video games, like Dragon Quest, Super Sentai, and Pokémon. I also love interpreting those wholesome things like a dirty old man.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Sollosi's Favorite Agatha Christie Books
Agatha Christie is the most popular author in the history of fiction, and I've been reading her books for about twenty years. So of course I have a mental ranking of her works.
Friday, November 2, 2018
I'll have a review for all the Sentai I've watched up eventually, I promise. Today is 1998's galactic fantasy story (?), Gingaman!